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Dieting and Breastfeeding

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Dieting and Breastfeeding-Helpful Hints To Keep Baby Healthy and You Happy

During pregnancy women are encouraged to put on an optimum amount of weight. After giving birth many new mothers struggle to shed the weight that they put on during their pregnancy and turn towards dieting.
If you are breastfeeding your baby there are effective ways to diet without depriving your baby of essential nutrients or lessening your milk supply.

breastfeeding,happy mom

Recent studies indicate that new mothers can lose up to two pounds a week without the fear making less milk. The same study concluded that most diets are safe during breastfeeding as long as mothers eat a variety of fruit, vegetables, protein foods, and whole grains.
However, diets that concentrate on a low caloric intake, under 1600 calories a day, can be dangerous.

Experts agree that dieting is more successful when combined with a regular exercise routine. Mothers who exercise are generally healthier, and exercise does not affect the milk supply.

It should also be mentioned that breastfeeding in itself can help new moms lose their baby weight. Research shows that mothers who breastfeed for at least six months lose more weight than mothers who introduce formula and solid foods.

If you do choose to diet while you are breastfeeding doctors recommend waiting at least 4 weeks after you give birth. This will give you body an opportunity to recover from the stresses of pregnancy and childbirth. It will also give your new baby a good start on their growth and development.

Another tip to keep in mind if you plan to diet while you breastfeed is to lose weight in moderation. This means you should avoid fad diets, or diets that encourage you to skip meals or starve yourself.

Also stay away from diets that promote staying away from entire food groups. What you eat during this crucial post partum time directly affects the quality and quantity of your breast milk.
If you eliminate important nutrients your baby may not be getting all that he needs to thrive.
New mothers and their baby’s require 6 servings of whole grains, 3 servings of fruit, 4 servings of vegetables, 4 servings of dairy, and 6 to 8 ounces of protein a day ideally.
Also, continue to take your prenatal vitamins for the entire time you are breastfeeding.

Most experts will agree that you should lose no more than 5 pounds a month to insure that you and your baby are healthy. They also recommend that you choose a diet that will allow you to ingest 1800-2000 calories a day.
These diets are intended to allow you to lose weight safely and gradually while maintaining an adequate milk supply.

Try to reduce the amount of calories that you put into your body by avoiding junk food and sodas. Instead tray healthy snack alternatives to sooth in between meal cravings.

It is also crucial to drink 8 to 10 glasses of water a day while breast feeding. You body needs to stay hydrated in order to produce breast milk.
Juice, soda, or any sweetened drink can add unnecessary calories to you diet without adding any nutritional value to your baby.

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