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The Smoothie Diet

smoothie fruit

Lose weight with the smoothie diet

When people decide to go on a diet, of course the main goal is to lose weight. However, what tends to concern people about most diets is the constant feeling of being hungry.
Typically, some people can stave off hunger for a short period of time but when the feeling of being hungry or not satisfied kicks in, quite a few dieters tend to fall off of the weight loss wagon.

An unfortunate side effect tends to be overeating, in order to compensate for that feeling of not being satisfied. Many find that they return to those unhealthy eating habits or even overeating diet foods.
It is important to note, that even healthy foods can add on pounds if you do not watch your portions.

smoothie fruit

The smoothie diet is a diet that seeks to give individuals a feeling of fullness so that they do not relapse into old eating habits.
This diet is a hunger-reducing plan that helps people reach their dieting goals by providing a nutrient rich smoothie that not only tastes good but is good for you.

So what is the smoothie diet?

Primary Ingredient In This Particular Diet

The primary ingredient in this particular diet is, as the name would suggest, a smoothie. Dieters enjoy great tasting smoothies for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
You begin your day with the breakfast smoothie and it is chock full of every thing that you need to jump start your morning, such as protein and fiber.

Protein provides energy and both protein and fiber work together to battle hunger. It is a low calorie meal that is filled with all the vitamins and minerals that you need. It can also be regarded as a supplement because you are getting essential nutrients from just one shake.
This is why the smoothie diet is ideal even if you only have a diet breakfast smoothie.

Of course we have heard ever since we were children that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It dictates how your entire day is going.
After sleeping for six -eight hours a night, you body is in starvation mode and you have to give it fuel. This is what kicks your metabolism into gear for maximum calorie burn throughout the day.

The problem is, our lives are so busy that many people just grab a cup of coffee or some carbohydrate laden, sugar filled breakfast item on their way out the door.
That is if they even eat anything for breakfast. When you eat a processed food that has a bunch of empty calories, your body immediately goes for them as an energy source.
This is why you feel depleted hours later and you have to have some other snack or cup of coffee to get you going again.
Now you see how this can turn into a vicious cycle and how the calories can mount up quickly?

The diet smoothie is different in that it is created from assortment of whole fruits, yogurt, soy or whey proteins.
These ingredients are healthy and filling and helps dieters start the day off with the body burning calories that your eat throughout the day, instead of storing those calories, which over time turns to fat.

Right Amount Of Good Fats, Proteins, And Natural Fibers

This diet gets it right in that it combines the right amount of good fats, proteins, and natural fibers that give the dieter a feeling of fullness and the urge to snack, incessantly is eliminated.
In addition, the complex, slow metabolizing carbohydrates that give the blood sugar balance also mitigates hunger.
Simple carbohydrates like pastries, muffins, and the like only cause a spike in blood sugar and needless to say, when anything spikes to quickly, there is bound to be a crash.

Glucose and blood sugar levels are stabilized and hunger is kept at bay for longer periods of time.
When you eat fewer calories, you lose weight.
It is that simple.

This is the heart of the diet smoothie recipe. If you want to stick with the smoothie diet for your nutritional needs your can also enjoy a smoothie for both lunch and dinner. However you do not have to completely abandon whole foods for smoothies while dieting.
This diet is so versatile, it can be incorporated into any diet.

This diet can be incorporated into just about any diet plan that is being offered today. Although you do get the most benefits from drinking a breakfast smoothie to start your day out on a good, healthy note. You do not however, have to have a smoothie for both dinner and lunch.

Many dieters will have a smoothie for breakfast and lunch and then enjoy a healthy whole food dinner. In order to get the maximum effects from the diet, you should aim to stay within 500-600 calories for dinner.
Dinner should include a lean protein, healthy fats, complex carbohydrates, and a vegetable of your choice.

Meal Replacement Diet


The smoothie diet is a meal replacement diet that helps to stave off hunger and encourage healthy weight loss.
The longer you incorporate smoothies into your diet, the more results you will see and the addition of moderate exercise will only provide you accelerated weight loss results.

This diet will boost your metabolism, provide quality, essential nutrients to your diet, and give you lots of energy throughout the day.

Although this is a very effective diet, it is not for everyone. You should consult a dietician or your doctor prior to trying the smoothie diet replacement meal plan.


Macrobiotic Diet


The Principles Behind Macrobiotic Diets

Macrobiotics is a dietary system that is said to be the cure to many diseases, including cancer. The program takes a holistic approach to dieting, maintaining that the foods consumed by humans affect their state of compatibility with the universe.
There are many principles contained within the macrobiotics diet program. The principle is designed to help individuals understand their place in the order of life.
Macrobiotics teaches dieters to treat their food as a healing influence within their lives, rather than something that just goes into the mouth.

yin yang circle

Yin and Yang is the guiding principle used in macrobiotics, which is said to be present in all things that complement and balance each other.
Some examples of yin and yang opposites include hot and cold, dark and light, and life and death. The yin-yang concept is based on ancient oriental philosophies, but has quickly become popular in Western civilization.
The concept of yin and yang relates to food as well as all other aspects of life, such as climate and movement. The macrobiotic diet balances the food a person eats with the life they lead.

Persons that use the program will know that their lives are in the right balance by feeling the powerful sense of health and well being. Basically, a person on the macrobiotic diet should eat in harmony with the environment in which they live in.
These specific ways of eating will nourish the body with pure, quality, and indigenous foods that provide optimal health and longevity.

The principles’ macrobiotics are extensive and usually confusing for many people, but they can be simplified to make them more understandable. The first basic principle of macrobiotics is the idea of balance. There are certain foods and liquids that satisfy basic human needs, such as water
. Balance involves selecting foods in relation with basic human physical needs. The balance of the foods is said to be crucial to good health.


Balancing foods with the basic human needs can help dieters become healthier in their regular lives. In macrobiotics it is also important to eat native foods. If a person eats food that is grown in their native region, then they will fulfill their body’s energy needs at its optimal level.
Eating foods from their native region also helps people become more connected to their own region, and helps familiarize the body with the region. Another basic principle of macrobiotics is eating foods from the same climate in which you live.
By eating foods from the same climate in which you live allows for a balance with the environment. A person that eats foods grown in the same climate in which they live will be less likely to become infected with any viruses.

Seasonal eating is also a principle of the macrobiotics diet programs. A person should change what foods they eat from season to season. In seasonal eating, a person should eat the foods that give them the most energy. As the season changes, the amount of energy that certain foods offer the body also changes.
The yin and yang concept is the final principle found in the macrobiotics system. The yin and yang concept advocates that all things have a positive and negative side, including food. According to the philosophy, food has an expansive (yin) energy and a contractive (yang) energy.

A person using the macrobiotics program must eat the right foods to balance the internal energy requirements. There are many complicated principles involved in macrobiotics, but the system helps many individuals lose a vast amount of weight. The diet program can help balance the diet and life of many people.


Perricone Weight Loss Diet Plan

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The Deal with the Perricone Weight Loss Diet Plan

Dermatologist Dr. Nicholas Perricone believes he’s found a way to reverse the aging process, and lose weight in the process. He believes that inflammation is the cause of acne, wrinkles and unwanted pounds.
He believes that the swelling is directly related to the food we eat, therefore changing our consumption choices will lead to a healthier life.

Dr. Perricone says that his approach can be effective in as little as three days. He boasts that his methods will decrease inflammation in every organ system in your body, improve your metabolism, improve bone density, rejuvenate your immune system, improve your mood, decrease the risk of cancer, repair your skin, make your heart resistant to disease, and help you lose weight.

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Dr. Perricone believes that the best results are achieved by a change in diet combined with a vast regimen of lotions and supplements. His skin care products and supplements, referred to as “cosmeceuticals”, can be purchased at high end department stores, on Dr. Perricone’s website, and at his shop on Madison Avenue in New York City.

Dr. Perricone’s offers a holistic approach to aging. He treats cellular inflammation in three ways: through diet, nutriceutical supplements, and his award-winning line of cosmeceuticals. By using his program inflammation can be stopped, which slows down the skin’s aging process and can even reverses some of the existing damage.
The effects of Dr. Perricone’s weight loss diet are not only visible externally but will enhance your life with better overall health and increased energy.

Dr. Perricone’s weight loss diet plan centers on some basic dietary concepts.

He stresses choosing whole grain carbohydrates. These carbs rank low on the Glycemic index. He also advises avoiding all refined carbohydrates that rank high on the index.

The diet plan also suggests that you moderate your intake of diary products. You should limit whole milk and hard cheeses that are high in fat. Instead try low fat alternatives such as low fat milk, yogurt and soft cheeses.

Dr. Perricone also advises choosing fruits and vegetables that are high in anti-oxidants. The best examples of these are avocado, bell peppers, berries, cantaloupe, honeydew, orange colored squash, tomatoes, pineapple, and green leafy vegetables. You should avoid all dried fruit.

Perricone’s weight loss diet suggests that you eat more protein. Examples of protein are egg whites, turkey breast, and skinless chicken. Fish is another great source of protein, especially re or pink salmon since it is rich in the antioxidant Dimethylaminoethanol.

On Perricon’e weight loss diet it is also important to eat the right fats. This means avoiding trans-fats or hydrogenated fats, and polyunsaturated fats from vegetable oils.
You should also limit you saturated fat intake. Dr. Perricone recommends using olive oil because it is high in oleic acid that helps omega-3 fats to protect cells. He also highly suggests fish, because it is a terrific source of omega-3 fatty acids.

Dr. Perricone also suggests drinking lots of water while participating in his weight loss diet.
Water is beneficial to our digestive system and is good for you complexion.

Critics of Perricone’s diet plan complain that the diet is overly strict, cstly and unproven. They argue that Perricone boasts about his diet plan but offers little outside research to support his theories.
They argue that while his dietary suggestions are hardly innovative the purchase of his skin products and supplements is expensive and somewhat sketchy.

Though Dr. Perricone has his skeptics there are many who will offer testimonial to the success they’ve had with his plan.
Celebrity Courtney Cox is one of his fans and his books have been on countless bestseller lists.


Dieting and Fitness

fittness center

Dieting and Fitness Tips

With regards to living an extended and healthier life, you can find two necessary ingredients:
diet and fitness.

Although some think that they’re a very important factor altogether, nothing could possibly be further from the reality.
It really is quite possible to truly have a perfectly nutritious diet with deplorable fitness habits. It’s equally possible to be very toned with somewhat less than savory diet plan.

There is a clever little line in the Jimmy Buffet song “Fruitcakes” when his ‘lady’ is lamenting:
“I treat my own body just like a temple
You treat yours just like a tent”

I cannot help but consider this line whenever I believe about all of the people all over the world that are going on these garbage in, garbage out weight loss programs hoping to attain the weight reduction success of these that are endorsing the products.

To be completely honest, you’ll be able to reduce weight through diet alone. It really is difficult but possible. Additionally it is possible to be toned and also have several extra few pounds hanging out. To a big degree we have been what we consume. If we eat a higher fat low substance diet our anatomies will lack the fuel necessary to burn up the fat.
At exactly the same time if we are not providing our anatomies with the various tools it requires to create muscle no matter just how many weights we lift.

With regards to diet and fitness, the very best email address details are achieved if they interact instead of separately. Use your fitness routine to burn up excess kcalories and use your daily diet to be able to properly provide the body the nutritional elements and fuel it requires to create muscle. I have heard often in my own life a pound of muscle weighs somewhat less than a pound of fat.
While this isn’t true at all, a pound is really a pound regardless; a pound of muscle occupies less space on your body when compared to a pound of fat. Pound for pound, I’d much rather mine be made up of muscle than fat.
Dieting alone will not build up muscle which is something you’ll prosper to keep in mind in your time and efforts.

It’s also advisable to recognize that when you are building muscle you might be shedding inches without showing significant amounts of progress on the scale.
It is vital that you retain this at heart through the entire weight reduction process. Usually do not measure your progress by the scales alone or you’ll achieve misleading results.
The thing is that too many people do just this and obtain frustrated and present up if they are in fact making progress. Do not allow you to eventually be considered a victim of the scales.
Look into the mirror, put on your tight pants, and measure your waistline. Measure your success by the method that you feel after climbing a flight of stairs maybe not by just how many pounds fell of the scale this week.

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By incorporating fitness in to your daily diet routine you’re also enabling the body to melt away any extra kcalories you might have consumed throughout the day. Which means that if you wish to have a little ‘cheat’ throughout your day, you may make up for this by burning some more kcalories than normal at night.
This is not a thing that should happen usually but an intermittent occurrence isn’t likely to make or break your daily diet.

It’s also advisable to look at dieting and fitness as a ball and glove kind of relationship. When you can play ball minus the glove, it appears to work so far better when you have both.
Diet and fitness when combined can make fantastic weight reduction results for individuals who just take them both seriously.

Finished. to keep in mind is that neither works as well alone and neither will continue to work if you don’t are prepared to do the task.
You need to get this to important that you experienced to experience the perfect results.


Diet Plans for Kidney Disease


Special Diet Plans for Anyone with Kidney Disease

Kidney disease is a very serious condition for many people.
The disease prevents the kidney’s ability to filter and remove waste products and fluids from the blood. Kidneys are not able to maintain the proper fluid and electrolyte balances. Individuals with kidney disease are usually given a special diet that helps control fluid buildup. It is possible for diuretics and other medications to eliminate excess sodium, potassium, and water, but patients must follow a particular diet in order to remain healthy.


Avoiding certain foods and eating properly can help regulate the balance of sodium, potassium, and water.
The extent of one’s kidney damage will help in the decision of how sodium, potassium, phosphate, and other fluid intake should be controlled.

Each patient with kidney disease has different needs, based on their body, weight, size, and remaining kidney function, but there are some general guidelines that all patients must follow. First, patients must make sure that they are receiving enough calories each day.
Blood pressure, weight, cholesterol, and blood sugar levels can be controlled through healthy eating.

Healthy eating can also be used to slow the progression of kidney disease. For most patients, it is also best to limit sodium, fluids, and protein intake, and some may even have to limit potassium, phosphorus, and calcium intake.
A dietitian or nutritionists are the most qualified to recommend an eating plan for anyone with kidney disease.

It is extremely important for individuals with kidney disease to limit their sodium and potassium intake. An excess of sodium can lead to fluid retention and high blood pressure for those with kidney disease.
If there is an excess of potassium, it may result in an irregular heartbeat and a possible heart attack.
The safest level of sodium intake is 2000 to 3000mg per day.

People with kidney disease will find it best to divide their sodium limit between their daily meals. It is also important to read food labels, and check for sodium content.
Spices and herbs mix that list salt or MSG near the beginning of the ingredients list should be avoided because they are high in potassium.
It is best for kidney disease patients to use salt-free herbs and spices, and never use salt or any substitute.
Processed cheeses, canned, pickled, and those with kidney disease should also avoid smoked meats.

Protein is needed to make tissue and blood products in the body, but people with kidney disease should limit their intake of protein.
A dietitian can help patients create an eating plan that balances their need for less protein with enough protein to keep them healthy. Some of the major sources of protein include eggs, beef, poultry, fish, and dairy product, but patients should be able to find protein in breads, cereals, and certain vegetables.
Limiting the intake of protein will help keep the level of protein waste products (urea) low in the blood.

Kidney disease patients on dialysis will be asked to increase the protein intake to replace a portion of the protein that is removed during the dialysis procedure.
It is strongly recommended that patients only eat fresh and frozen meats, because processed meats contain high levels of potassium.
Peanut butter, dried bean, peas, salmon, and oysters should also be limited because of they are high in phosphorus.

It is also important for individuals with kidney disease to limit their fluid intake. Most patients don’t realize that food also contains water, and an excess of water can cause discomfort and increased blood pressure.
Foods such as soup, Jell-O, and ice cream are seen as fluids, as well as some fruits and vegetables that contain a lot of water.

Patients must also limit their phosphorus intake.
It is important for patients to limit their intake of dairy products, such as milk, limit their intake of yogurt, and to limit their intake of ice cream.

People with kidney disease should also avoid drinks, such as beer, cola, and cocoa.
The list of foods patients should avoid may be long, but the special diet can help patients control their disease.

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