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All about the New Sonoma Diet Plan

do not count calories

Avoiding food is not the way of the Sonoma Diet plan

Counting calories, no way? Special foods ordered online or from an infomercial are no options here.
The Sonoma Diet is set apart from other diets because it doesn’t put these demands on you and it allows you to truly enjoy your meals.
Along with enjoying your meals and enjoying a wide array of foods and flavors, you will lose weight.

do not count calories

During the first part of the Sonoma Diet Plan you will lose pounds pretty quickly. After the beginning stages of the diet, your weight loss will slowly taper off until you reach your target weight. Some diets get you to your target weight and then leave you stranded.
Before you know it, you’ve gained all the weight back and maybe even more. The Sonoma Diet Plan will not do that to you.
The plan will set a place for your eating habits for the rest of your life.

The Sonoma Diet Plan is based on scientific research that shows how to live a healthier more energized life. You will feel better and look better once you’re on this diet. With all of the power foods your body will get the nutrients needed for health and will not make you gain weight.
The recipes that you’ll find in this diet plan bring out the best flavors in every food and will help your body absorb the nutrients in the most effect way possible.

So what is the Sonoma diet plan?

It’s a Western Hemisphere version of the popular Mediterranean diet.
By lowering your risk of heart disease and cancer, you’ll be looking forward to a long, healthy, joyful life. To put the Sonoma diet plan together, they took the tasty part of the diet and added to it a permanent way to keep the weight off.

The diet consists of delicious fruits and vegetables, breads, cereals, white meat, lean red meat, pork, eggs, non-fat dairy, fish, and soybeans.
Just like the Mediterranean diet you’ll use olive oil and nuts as your main source for good fat. The good thing is that you can use all the herbs and spices you want to flavor these healthy, delicious foods.

If you think you’d like to try the diet you need to pick up the book called The Sonoma Diet or register at the site online. Once you do this you can learn in depth about what exactly is included in your new diet. You’ll be taught which foods to eat with the fewest calories possible.
The literature will give you step-by-step instructions of recipes, meals, preparation and bonus tips along the way. This program is set apart from others because besides including the good about the diet, the difficult things will also be discussed.
If you have cravings (most people do) what should you do? This along with many other questions that you’ll be faced with will be covered in the literature.
So the diet not only coaches you about what to eat, but it’s also realistic enough that it tells you it’s not going to be extremely easy. You’ll know what to expect and you will be prepared to better deal with it when it arrives.

Users of the Sonoma Diet often report a difference in the way they feel and look within the first few days of following the Sonoma diet plan. Be prepared to learn a new way of thinking and feeling as well. You’ll look at food, at life in a whole new way.
You’ll see what it is that you’ve been missing in all those failed diets you tried before. Once you try the Sonoma diet, it’s said that you’ll never turn back.


Get in the Zone Diet

the zone

Basic overview of the Zone Diet

Dr. Barry Sears is the founder of the new Zone Diet. He spent years researching food and effects of food on our bodies in order to find the right zone for our diets.
Because heart disease is genetic in his family he decided to view food as a drug. This view started a whole new outlook on eating and health. In 1995 he wrote a book called The Zone, which became a New York Times best seller.
People that have followed the Zone Diet say that it completely changes your life; you get a new mindset and look at food in a whole new way.

the zone

Dr. Sears’ ideas about diet have been supported by many studies at Harvard Medical School. Through this diet Dr. Sears has focused on managing insulin levels as a way to control weight and health.
While following the Zone Diet you’re said to lose weight, burn fat, experience less fatigue, control hunger, and feel healthier overall.

While in the Zone diet you’ll also learn why healthy eating is so important.

Starving yourself is not a part of this diet. You’ll get to eat three meals a day and two snacks in between in order to satisfy your hunger.
A key element in this diet is keeping your blood sugar levels balanced. By doing this you’ll greatly improve your health and eating habits.
Controlling your blood sugar has a lot to do with timing your meals (this is something that many people aren’t aware of and it leads to overeating which then leads to weight gain). You’ll learn that spacing out your meals and eating smaller portions is the right way to eat.

There are plenty of delicious foods and recipes that you can enjoy while following the zone diet plan. This is the great part about it; you don’t have to abandon all taste and enjoyment of food in order to be successful.

The zone diet helps you learn how to correctly vary your caloric intake everyday. You’ll need to get 40% of your daily calories from carbohydrates, 30% from protein, and 30% from fat. If you think about it, the diet seems like it really works. I mean you have the lowest percentage of caloric intake from calories and the highest from carbohydrates.
The trick here is that you eliminate the bad fat and you’re getting 30% of the good fat.
The same thing goes for carbohydrates; you eliminate the bad carbohydrates and replace them with good carbohydrates. The zone diet has just the right combinations of foods to keep your blood sugar balanced and your belly satisfied.

If you look in bookstores you can find Dr. Barry’s books on the zone diet, he’s written 10. He also has a website that you can go to and join the zone. Whether you get a book or go to his website you’ll gain helpful information about the zone diet.
You’ll learn more in depth exactly what you can and cannot eat and the important reasons why. It’s important to fully understand a diet before you start following the guidelines. Once you understand what’s going on in your body, then you’ll feel more compelled to follow the program.

Along with following the zone diet Dr. Barry also recommends regular exercise.
As with all diet plans consult your physician to make sure it will be right for you and doesn’t pose any health risks.

Will you get into the zone diet?

More info about how to: Manage Normal Blood Sugar Levels with Healthy Diet & Exercise


Dieting and Breastfeeding

breastfeeding,happy mom

Dieting and Breastfeeding-Helpful Hints To Keep Baby Healthy and You Happy

During pregnancy women are encouraged to put on an optimum amount of weight. After giving birth many new mothers struggle to shed the weight that they put on during their pregnancy and turn towards dieting.
If you are breastfeeding your baby there are effective ways to diet without depriving your baby of essential nutrients or lessening your milk supply.

breastfeeding,happy mom

Recent studies indicate that new mothers can lose up to two pounds a week without the fear making less milk. The same study concluded that most diets are safe during breastfeeding as long as mothers eat a variety of fruit, vegetables, protein foods, and whole grains.
However, diets that concentrate on a low caloric intake, under 1600 calories a day, can be dangerous.

Experts agree that dieting is more successful when combined with a regular exercise routine. Mothers who exercise are generally healthier, and exercise does not affect the milk supply.

It should also be mentioned that breastfeeding in itself can help new moms lose their baby weight. Research shows that mothers who breastfeed for at least six months lose more weight than mothers who introduce formula and solid foods.

If you do choose to diet while you are breastfeeding doctors recommend waiting at least 4 weeks after you give birth. This will give you body an opportunity to recover from the stresses of pregnancy and childbirth. It will also give your new baby a good start on their growth and development.

Another tip to keep in mind if you plan to diet while you breastfeed is to lose weight in moderation. This means you should avoid fad diets, or diets that encourage you to skip meals or starve yourself.

Also stay away from diets that promote staying away from entire food groups. What you eat during this crucial post partum time directly affects the quality and quantity of your breast milk.
If you eliminate important nutrients your baby may not be getting all that he needs to thrive.
New mothers and their baby’s require 6 servings of whole grains, 3 servings of fruit, 4 servings of vegetables, 4 servings of dairy, and 6 to 8 ounces of protein a day ideally.
Also, continue to take your prenatal vitamins for the entire time you are breastfeeding.

Most experts will agree that you should lose no more than 5 pounds a month to insure that you and your baby are healthy. They also recommend that you choose a diet that will allow you to ingest 1800-2000 calories a day.
These diets are intended to allow you to lose weight safely and gradually while maintaining an adequate milk supply.

Try to reduce the amount of calories that you put into your body by avoiding junk food and sodas. Instead tray healthy snack alternatives to sooth in between meal cravings.

It is also crucial to drink 8 to 10 glasses of water a day while breast feeding. You body needs to stay hydrated in order to produce breast milk.
Juice, soda, or any sweetened drink can add unnecessary calories to you diet without adding any nutritional value to your baby.


Diet for the Lactose Intolerant

danger sign,lactose intolerant

Diet Options for the Lactose Intolerant

It’s been estimated that 30-50 million Americans are lactose intolerant. Though a vast array of people struggle with this issue, there are certain populations that are more widely affected than others.
For example, about 90 percent of Asian-Americans are lactose intolerant and about 75 percent of African-Americans are also lactose intolerant.

danger sign,lactose intolerant

You’ve heard the phrase “lactose intolerant” all over the place. But many people don’t really know what it is. Lactose intolerance is the inability to digest significant amounts of lactose (lactose is the sugar that’s found in milk).
Many people have an enzyme called lactase that lines the small intestine; people that are lactose intolerant have a shortage of this enzyme. This shortage of lactase makes it difficult for the body to break down the sugar (lactose) that is found in milk and dairy products.

After eating dairy products, people with lactose intolerance usually experience symptoms such as:

  • bloating
  • nausea
  • cramping
  • gas
  • diarrhea

These symptoms can vary in severity depending on each individual’s body; some people can digest a little lactose and others can’t have any lactose at all.

The symptoms of lactose intolerance can be embarrassing, frustrating, and even interfere with your daily life. If you’re constantly running to the bathroom or are always feeling discomfort there is a limit as to what activities you can participate in.
It’s no fun having to plan your life around your bathroom use so instead you can make a significant change in your diet in order to ease your symptoms.

Each individual that is lactose intolerant will have to make different changes in their diet; it depends on how intolerant your body really is. Generally speaking if you are lactose intolerant you should eliminate products that contain lactose from your diet.
Some people choose to still have a little bit at first to see if their body can handle it. You have to remember that calcium is important to healthy bones and if you can have a little milk, then you should. Just make the proportions smaller and less frequent.
Eat a yogurt once a day to get the calcium you need because it’s easier to digest. (This wont be possible for everyone since some people can’t tolerate the slightest bit of lactose).

options for people with lactose intolerance

There are other options for people with lactose intolerance. A lot of people can digest yogurt perfectly well. Because the yogurt has acidophilus, this aids in the breaking down of the lactose. There is also a milk that contains this same live bacteria culture.
It’s called Sweet Acidophilus milk. Because the acidophilus breaks down the sugars it’s easier for your body to digest it.

Cheese is another food that many people can still eat when they’re lactose intolerant. Because it only contains a small amount of lactose it’s easier for your body to digest.
Some people find that eating small portions of products which contain lactose, is easier to digest if eaten with other foods.
Cereal with milk is a great example of mixing two foods to experience less intolerant symptoms. If you eat cheese on pizza instead of chesse alone, your body may also digest this a bit easier.

Soy products are another option. What used to be found only in health food stores can now be found at most grocery stores.
There is soy milk, soy cheese, and soy yogurt. Soy products come from soybeans. And soy milk specifically, has about as much protein as regular cow’s milk. What soy milk doesn’t have a lot of is calcium.
But some manufacturers have begun adding calcium to the milk, so make sure and check to know whether you’re getting the necessary amount of calcium for strong bones.

When you’re putting together a new diet plan remember to replace the calcium in your diet. If you cut out milk, cheese, and yogurt then your body will be lacking in the calcium department. There are so many supplements available that you can easily find one that suits you.

One last thing to be aware of is that a lot of foods have hidden lactose in them.
You’ll have to pay more attention to the ingredients that are in the foods you eat. Most foods you can read the labels to see what was used in them.
But if you are going out to eat somewhere be sure and ask somebody. Some places have a printed booklet on nutrition information and others will simply know.
Don’t be afraid to ask because there are countless others that are doing the same thing. In addition if you accidentally get some lactose, you may be very sorry about it later.


Diet for Chocolate Lover’s

chocolate,chocolate snack

Chocolate Lover’s Diet-Too Good to Be True?

Recent studies prove that chocolate contains antioxidants that are good for you. Millions of chocolate lover’s world wide can rejoice at the news that giving in to their chocolate cravings can now be beneficial to their health.


The antioxidants that have recently been discovered in chocolate are similar to those in wine or tea. They can help prevent or reduce heart disease, fight high blood pressure, and prevent clogged arteries in many individuals.
Unfortunately the amount of these healthy antioxidants that is found in chocolate is relatively small in comparison to other foods. However, even a small dosage of these antioxidants can be good for your body.

The best way to get the most health benefits out of a chocolate snack is to avoid chocolates that have been heavily processed. Processing can deplete the amount of antioxidants found in chocolate and therefore remove any health benefits as well.
Dark chocolate usually requires less processing and has been shown to have the highest levels of antioxidants.

The Food and Drug Administration recommends that we use moderation with our consumption of chocolate despite its proven health benefits. They suggest eating a small amount of chocolate daily and when possible, stick to dark chocolate.
Experts believe half of a normal size candy bar would be the most chocolate that you would want to eat while getting the maximum amount of antioxidants.

Another way to take advantage of the health benefits of chocolate is to add small amounts of it into other foods. For example you may want to add some chocolate flavor to you morning coffee or make yourself a chocolate pudding snack.

In addition, a chocolate extract is a great way to reap the health benefits of chocolate. It provides you with the same “chocolate high” that traditional chocolate would, without the unwanted calories or fat.
The chocolate extract is rich in phenylethylamine (PEA), which is a chemical that is associated with happiness in the human brain.

Besides the antioxidants that can help prevent heart disease, chocolate also contains caffeine, theobromine, phenylethylamine, magnesium and anandamides. These properties contribute to reasons why many people have deep cravings for chocolate.

Chocolate lovers will be happy to know that because of the proven health benefits of chocolate there is a diet geared especially towards them The Chocolate Diet consists of liquids, powders or supplements that can be combined with milk or water to help aid in weight loss.
These shakes provide you with the antioxidants found in chocolate while you enjoy a rich chocolate flavor. They are not meant to replace entire meals; rather they should be used as a healthy snack alternative.

There are also chocolate pills given in capsule form. These pills are thought to provide various nutrients will stimulate your metabolism. These, combined, with a healthy diet are supposed to jumpstart the fat burning process.

Though eating chocolate can seem like a strange way to maintain your well being, the studies are clear that eating chocolate in moderation can clearly be beneficial to your health. Chocolate lovers can give into their cravings for the sweet in small amounts without being weighed down with feelings of guilt.

The good news is we can now rationalize indulging in a piece of chocolate by focusing on the antioxidants it is providing our bodies. However, experts agree that while chocolate does exhibit these health properties, your body does need antioxidants from other food sources as well.
Different foods contain different types and levels of antioxidants.
The best defense against heart disease is to try to expose your body to as many different antioxidants as possible. This means you should continue to enjoy fruits, vegetables, red wine, and tea.

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