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Setting a Weight Loss Plan


The Importance of Setting a Weight Loss Plan

When it comes to a weight loss plan, it’s important to follow the recommendations of the USDA. They have for years helped people determine weight loss programs with their food pyramid.
You remember this pyramid, of course! At its base were the all-important fruits and vegetables.
One step further up were the whole grains and cereal products. Then came the meats at the top, with sugars and salt sprinkled in.


Believe it or not, the USDA has scrapped this pyramid. To provide weight loss help for everyday people, they have flipped the pyramid on its side.
It may sound like a radical concept when it comes to a weight loss plan. But it makes sense when you think about it.
It stresses the fact that all foods are important in a diet, and that proper balance and moderation are important no matter what foods you are eating.

MyPyramid was released in April 2005 and replaced the Food Guide Pyramid (1992) MiPirámide, MyPyramid in Spanish, was released in December 2005.

Now called MyPlate, the USDA weight loss program also allows you to personalize a weight loss plan for your specific weight, height, and lifestyle. This puts the power of losing weight in your hands.

Another important innovation of the MyPlate weight loss plan is to stress exercise when it comes to weight loss help.
The graphic of the pyramid actually has a person walking up the side of it.
This is an important reminder that you can’t expect to lose weight without burning calories, and the best way to burn calories is exercise.

For an easier to understand weight loss program, the MyPlate chart also no longer relies on “servings” to explain how much of a certain food group you should eat.
Instead, the weight loss plan uses real measurements, such as ounces and cups. That’s real weight loss help that people can simply translate into their everyday menu.

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